A key ingredient in a thriving business is a workplace environment where your people can excel. A team of skilled individuals all pulling in disparate directions isn’t nearly as effective as a team of skilled individuals all focused on achieving a shared goal.

This won’t come as a great revelation to most employers and managers, but building and maintaining an environment that fosters healthy, productive relations between team members isn’t always that easy.

People have different ways of working and communicating. Our motivations and abilities may vary, and many factors can affect our mood and performance. This means that every business needs to think about how its team members interact and take an active, structured approach to shaping and guiding relationships, from individual connections to the company-wide culture. Left untended, the social dynamics of your workplace can get bogged down and instead of having positive, motivated employees who can constructively express opinions and resolve problems, your team will be wasting valuable time on unnecessary battles and disputes.

This white paper looks into the many facets of employment relations, from ways to build and maintain healthy employee relationships, to managing issues and resolving conflicts and complaints (people aren’t perfect, after all). We’ll also look at what to do with problematic employees, the disciplinary process, and how to deal with personal grievances.

There’s a lot to cover, so l